Monday, July 13, 2015

Moeraki Day 2

The second day of our weekend at Moeraki again started with an attempt to catch the sunrise just after 0800 hrs. However the sunrise today was disappointing and no photos worthy of including here were taken.

Day 1

First stop was high above Moeraki with some spectacular views of the village and coast to the north.

Moeraki - a fishing village.

The Boulders tearooms are to the right of the tree in the centre.

Looking north towards Kakanui and Oamaru.

The reconstructed road about to be opened.

On the road towards the lighthouse there are two turnoffs to small settlements - The Kaik. They are composed of small holiday houses or cribs (as we are south of the Waitaki here.)

The following photos show how close to the sea some of the cribs are and how vulnerable they are to coastal erosion.

A moment later.

There was a large southerly swell coming up from the deep south which lead to some spectacular wave action.

A small reef a little offshore produced different breaking waves each time. Dozens of photos were taken - these two being among the better ones.

Behind one of the settlements was another beach which enthralled us with the wave action. The dying southerly still whipped up some good activity worthy of the time to get that "perfect shot".

The incoming wave was half the height before this happened.The out-wash from the previous wave produced this build up and brief standing wave before it all came crashing down. The next photo shows what happened a few seconds later.

As the weather was moderating, the local fisherman started to venture out to catch some of the blue cod Moearki is famous for.