Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fun car rally

Recently, Focus Aorangi had a mystery car rally starting in Pleasant Point. We were given some clues and were tasked too the a photo of each place where we were to go to. Below are photos of each place / object / building etc that we had to get.

The clues of what to photograph and photos I took are as follows: (Directions to get to each clue omitted.)

1. If you are really Keane turn right into this road and you will find some cobs that aren't corny. If you ascend too much you've gone too far. 

The restored cob cottage at the bottom of the hill in Keanes Road.
2. A building that houses levers used for signalling.

The signal box showing the tops of the levers, Pleasant Point Railway Museum.

3. Initially used for Government purposes, this building turned to custard. 

The former Pleasant Point Post Office, converted to a cafe and home to Denheath Custard Squares.

4. At the dead centre of Pleasant Point this building has interesting detail in its boarded up windows.

Small building at the Pleasant Point Cemetery.

5. Towering above us, this ecclesiastical structure points into the wind.

Earthquake damaged church points directly towards the nor'west.

6. Three timeless faces overlooks the railway station.

The tower at another earthquake damaged church in Pleasant Point.

7. Does this place or worship ring a bell?

The bell rings every Sunday morning at St Albans Anglican Church. Of the three churches in Pleasant Point, St Albans is the only one not damaged by earthquakes since 2010.

8. Along here you will find where an early inventor crashed into a hedge.

The memorial to Richard Pearse who flew a heavier than air machine before the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk.

9. You will see a heritage structure used to burn something quarried locally.

Top of the lime kiln at Kakahu.

10. Near the end of Cox St you will find, for your comfort, Geraldine's newest public building wrapped in a club member's images.

Rear wall of the public toilets with a huge photo of the nearby native bush.

11. Nearby is one of Geraldine's oldest buildings, built by the Roads Board from basalt. It has since been relocated and purposed to display its heritage.

The Geraldine Museum of a fine autumn afternoon.

12. Previous generations posted letters there. Today it houses as retail outlet and a gallery, but is still a stately building. 

The old Geraldine Post Office. The vintage car happened to come around the corner at a most convenient time.

13. In the grounds is an obelisk or narrow pyramid. A close up of its detail is the final clue.

Part of well-weathered steel pyramid. Note the hint of a cobweb.

The clues were easy but a load of fun in getting there best angle, light etc. for a good photo. (We were also given instructions about where to go in terms of roads etc. Only the cryptic  clues as to what to photograph are given here.)