Monday, October 4, 2010

Summer 2010 - Belgium, Brugge

Brugge was our base for the short visit to Belgium and from there we had the trip out to Flanders. see previous blog. This town in Belgium is a very pretty town which fortunately missed the ravages of the world wars and is one of the top tourist spots in Belgium. It is only around an hour by train from Brussels.

The few photos here give a taste of why thousands go there.
Brugge is built around a canal which encircles the old town and links up with the rest of the European canal network.

Join the thousands of others for the 30 minutes canal cruise. A must do.

Brugge is famous for chocolate! A chocoholics delight - Celia take note.
The Cloth Markt in Markt Square.
(Shot details: Canon 450D, EF-S 10-22mm at 15 mm, f/4, 1/10s, ISO-800 with -1/3f stop compensation.)

Another must do is the 366 step climb to the top. Be prepared to queue up but it is worth the effort just to see the glockenspiel on the way. At night the centre of Brugge takes on another character as the light fades, time the get serious with the camera.

Markt Square
(Shot details: Canon 450D, EF-S 17-85mm at 38 mm, f/5, 1/5s, ISO-800 with -1/3f stop compensation. Image stabilisation comes into its own on this type of shot.)

Some great restaurants to choose from here and the choice of Belgium beer is excellent. Juliper was my favourite.

Just off Markt Square is another square where we found the barrel organ man.

Colourful arch, entrance to Blinde-Ezelstraat. Blind Donkey Alley

Good to see the young generation keeping the lace making tradition alive.

Back street of Brugge

After three nights in Brugge it was time to get back on the train. This time to Würzburg in Germany via Brussels, Køln  (Cologne) and Frankfurt Flughafen.

Next blog: Germany including Hamburg, Regensberg, Nürnberg (Nuremburg) and Würzburg.

1 comment:

  1. Again John your photos are wonderful, and bring back wonderful memories of being stuck unexpectedly in Bruges for almost a week - one of the best mishaps of travel I've ever had and one I'd love to repeat.
