Tuesday, October 9, 2012

John's Top 10 Photos Series 3

After taking thousands of photos recently I have found a few that I consider to be worthy to include in another selection of my top photos. Following on from my first selection and a follow up selection I have decide that this selection will be Series 3 which also appears here.
Most of these photos  were shot using a Canon 450D and either an EF-S 17-85mm or 15-85 mm lenses. The 17-85 was fast deteriorating in that images I took in Europe appear rather soft to my critcal eye. It was replaced it with the much improved 15-85mm in Hong Kong with very pleasing results. However images I've chosen here taken through the earlier lens are still quite good as I hope you can see. Another good lens I use is the EF-S 10-22mm Canon.
This selection covers the period since my contract finished in the Middle East and includes photos taken in Europe (Summer 2011) and South East Asia since we arrived in August 2011.
The kite flyer, Xuawumen Lake Park,
Nanjing, China,6 October 2012.
 [Shot details: EF-S 15-85mm lens at 67mm. f/8, 1/160s and +0.3 f stop. The extra light helped to lighten his face.]

Kite flying is a serious past time in China and the sheer look of enjoyment and concentration here makes this one of my better efforts. The line can be clearly seen and the blurred spool shows that he was letting the kite fly higher.

The Great Wall
9 August 2012

What makes this shot special to me is that the sky is blue, visibility is many kilometers and not a person in sight! Very rare to get all these three factors together in China.

Lama Temple, Beijing
12 August 2012
[Shot details: 19mm at /6.3, +0.3 stop, 1/80s, ISO-200. I used the extra exposure to bring out the colours here.]

The bright colourful building in the temple grounds makes for a vibrant photo. No one in the foreground too which I like but a small feature like a carved animal would have been nice but not possible.

Pudong, Shanghai China
2 October 2012.
 [Shot details: 15mm, f/9, 4s ISO-200]

The 4 second exposure here gives good reflections off the Huangpu River. The foreground is one of the ferry terminals for traffic on the river. The moon makes an appearance in the top right corner.

Hoi An, Vietnam,
19 January 2012
I like one because these waterfront buildings came alive in the golden glow of the late afternoon sun. The fact that the tide was in also helped.

River Arno from Ponte Vecchio
Florence, Italy  23 July 2011 

This sight was completely unexpected early one morning. Dead calm conditions overnight lead to perfect reflections off the river and the light was good too. The colour of the buildings really stand out here. Another of my favorite shots.

Amalfi Coast from Rovello, Italy
28 July 2011

Thousands of photos are taken from around this area. I worked hard to find a spot where I could partially mask the burnt out sky from the cloud which was down below the mountain tops in the background.

The Matterhorn
Zermatt, Switzerland 11 August 2011
This early morning shot taken in the crisp mountain air shows the mountain in a brilliant blue sky. Nothing extra done on the computer here to enhance the colours either. Within hours the sky is criss-crossed with vapour trails from high flying jets. This is the best it got for the four days we stayed in Zermatt.

Yvoire, France
13 August 2011
This delightful village is a hot tourist destination, mainly for daytrippers like ourselves who arrived on the steamer from Geneva. A brilliantly fine day with good light and not a person in sight in this photo - patience needed to get it like this though.

Ta Som, Siem Reap
Cambodia,31 January 2012.
This overgrown gate caught my eye as it shows the enormous problems in conserving these World Heritage sites in Cambodia. Shot taken with my ultra wide angle 10-22mm lens as the 17-85mm lens finally gave up in Phnom Penh.

I would appreciate your comments and constructive criticism below.

The first collection, second collection  and later fourth collection and fifth collections can be found at these links.

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