Sunday, May 30, 2010

Abu Dhabi by night, part 1

I hope you will enjoy some photos I've taken around the Airport Road / Corniche area of Abu Dhabi. Please make some comments in the space below, I am interested to know if you think they are any good. 

The image stabilisation (IS) allows handheld shots up to 1/5s although most of these will have been taken using my tripod.
Canon 450D, 2.5s, f/3.5 ISO-200

By day the Corniche is hot, 45C now (May/June) but when it cools down at night and the day's heat haze clears, this area takes on a new dimension with some great water features coming alive.

Canon 450D, 2.5s, f/3.5 ISO 200
Shifting the camera to the right in the first photo and looking through the water feature you can see the lights of the busy Corniche Road.

Canon 450D, 8s, f/9, ISO-200
Still dressed up in the lights for National Day celebrations held in early December, the Chamber of Commerce building is near where the previous 2 photos were taken.

1/60s, f/4.5, ISO-400.
This was very tight shot because the mosque is surrounded by high buildings with lights ablaze. I was lucky to find a very narrow angle to get the minarets with nothing in the background and the dimly lit palms in the fore.

Canon 450D, 5s, f/10 ISO-800
Gail spotted the angle for this photo along the walkway next to the water. There was just the slightest of breeze blowing which moved the fronds on the left of the palm.

Canon 450D, EF-S 55-250 mm, 1/200s, f/5.6, ISO-200
Another sunset shot, the same night as the one in my list of Top 10 photos. This one might be even better than the other. You don't often get sunsets like these as most of the year the sun sinks into the heat haze and completely disappears well before dipping below the horizon. This was taken in mid winter when the air is much clearer.

Airport Road. Canon 450D, EF-S 10-22mm lens, 6s, f/9, ISO-400
Using the AEB function on the Canon allows some great time exposures at -2/3 f stop. The lens shows its good depth of field here as it does in the following photos. I love the inky black sky. 

1/6s, f4.5, ISO-800

Canon EF-s 10-22mm lens, 1/5s, f/4, ISO-800
Perhaps a bit soft here at f/4 but still a nice shot looking up Airport Road. Those of you who know Abu Dhabi will recognize Marks and Spencers on the left with the two Eitisalat buildings in the background with their telecommunication dishes hidden inside their "golf balls".

Abu Dhabi by night, Part 2 and Part 3

1 comment:

  1. This place sounds like my dream home. I'm sure way out of my price range. Maybe someday I have that chance to live in my dream home. Beautiful place from what I can see in add.

    Khalifa City Abu Dhabi
