Friday, May 17, 2013

Around Nanjing

As spring turns to summer in Nanjing the trees are really looking great. The red maples in particular seem to be planted all over the city and make a spectacular splash of colour.

An earlier blog on Spring in Nanjing can be found here.

Going out recently we saw the light shining through this maple in our compound. It brought the tree to life! I pass it everyday and it doesn't look anywhere near as nice as it did when I took this photo. (Magic light is what photographers look for.)
I have put togther some collections of photos taken over the last 3 weekends around Nanjing. These can be found on my photo blog using the links below.

Our first early summer visit was to Mochouhu in the middle of the city.

The Lady of Mochouhu Lake

Dragon boat on Mochouhu lake
A collection of photos taken on this day at Mochouhu Lake can be found by clicking here.

Another warm sunny day was spent down at Xuanwu Lake. We have been there a number of times and always find something new that we hadn't seen before. Even though it was a warm sunny day, the sky was not blue - apology for the washed out skies.
City skyline from Xuanwu Lake

A quiet backwater on Xuanwu Lake
Click here to see more photos taken on this day at Xuanwu Lake.

Another weekend focussed on the Nanjing City Wall. Xuanwu Lake being outside the protection of the wall.

Purple Mountain from the city wall

Purple Mountain on the other side of Xuanwu Lake
More photos taken on this day can be found by clicking here.

The last in my series of around Nanjing photos were taken around the Fuzi Miao area late one Saturday afternoon and evening.
Canal boats by the Sculpting in Time cafe.

The Dragon Wall at Fuzi Miao

 More photos taken in and around the Fuzi Miao area can be found here.

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